๐Ÿ›’Welcome to USAX

It's worse than we thought...

You awake in 2042.

The American president elected in 2024 Is still there. The constitution has been ripped up.

If only there was a re-do on the 2024 elections...


Suddenly the whole house shakes

You go to the basement, revealing glowing tubes and a toroidal metal device the size of a van.

A chair swivels

"Take this"

It's tech. Political MEME coins are the only way to save the planet from the war. It will reveal the truth to the people. They will have another chance to decide whโ€ฆ

"But I don't know anything about meme coins"


A screen starts beeping.

There's no time. Go!

You are shoved into the center of the torus.

hhhhmmmmMMMMMM A blue light fills the room, you feel yourself dissolving


You feel carpet on your face.

You stand up. It's the same basement, but the tech is gone.

A car passes outside. You hear "Not like us" by Kendrick playing.

"It worked."

A wave of excitement hits you like a cold plunge into a pool of disbelief.

Your palm opens to reveal the silver USB.

To be continuedโ€ฆ

Last updated